
Marsin Home Care: Minnesota Heart, Compassionate Hand 


Future HCBS Services

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) play a critical role in providing care to individuals with diverse needs. By leveraging connected care, insights-driven health outcomes, cost-effective strategies, and digital enablement, HCBS providers can revolutionize the way care is delivered.

By integrating these insights and best practices into HCBS services, providers can enhance the quality of care, ensure better health outcomes, and create a more sustainable and efficient healthcare ecosystem.

1. Three Ways Health Plans Can Improve Health Outcomes Using Precision Insights: Understand how health plans can leverage data and insights to drive better health outcomes for individuals receiving HCBS services.

2. Predictive Modeling, Machine Learning, and Precision Medicine: Delve into the power of real-world evidence and advanced analysis in shaping the new era of precision medicine.

1. Four Key Steps for Health Plans to Promote Connected Care: Learn about the vital steps that health plans can take to ensure seamless connected care experiences for HCBS recipients.

2. Creating a Connected Care Future - 3 Key Approaches: Discover integrated capabilities and services that put people at the center and create health experiences greater than the sum of their parts.

3. Reimagining Behavioral Health Crisis Systems of Care: Explore how communities can handle behavioral health crises by implementing new crisis systems for better care.

1. The Cost of Quality Healthcare-Three Things Health Plans Can Do: Learn how health plans can manage rising costs without sacrificing quality, ensuring affordable care for HCBS recipients.

2. Managing the Cost of Care in the Home: As home care becomes more popular, discover how leading health plans are working to keep it affordable and accessible.

1. Digital Collaborations to Solve Complex Challenges: Find out how healthcare leaders and digital startups can work together to transform the industry and improve HCBS service delivery.

2. Our Perspective: Digitally Enabled Healthcare: Explore how health plans can empower and improve experiences for all stakeholders, including HCBS providers and recipients.